In times where there is no final destination and we are all part of extended & infinite networks, it seems that things cannot never go normal again. I remember exactly the moment when I was writing my last post and thinking about how my grandmother fed this music dementia. Now she is no longer with us and I miss her a lot!
But a quarter has just passed and now again, it seems that I will be facing this benji-lifestyle that takes me up and down at the fastest pace. Yes, I know! It is all my fault and I assume its risks!!!
This first quarter has been so unbalanced, contradictory, ironic and challenging. Now that it just passed, I realize how fortunate I have been in having access to the music I love. Now more than ever, I have a free pass to the dementia. Music dementia!!!
Conexion Montreal, Experiencia sonica de sur a norte! is a personal project in which Juan Pablo Jaimes and me decided to let us go in a production of a podcast. It is all about passion for music in a global community. It is all about letting people know more about Montreal, this city that welcomed us with open arms. This city that sometimes we believe that is closed in tiny tribes but at the same time opens doors for creation, knowledge transfer and happiness! This city that sometimes I think I will never leave, even if sometimes I would like to.
We have already produced 10 episodes and shared music with many old and new friends. We have encountered and interviewed open and passioned people. We will certainly welcome all those self-descripted "music demented" and invite them to share theirs experiences!
Even now that I think that my time shortens, my personal commitment is to continue connecting Montreal with "music demented" individuals all around the world.
If you are Spanish speaker and love alternative music, please come a listen to our podcast, share your thoughts, your music. Share your dementia! (if you are French or English speaker, please be sure that we dream to have the opportunity to connect with you as well....qui sait, un jour on aura l'opportunité de faire traduire tout ça!)
As Tricky said: Be borderless!